Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Dumbing Down of America

I hate to sound like a snob but as I wait for our President to make a decision about what he is going to do in Afghanistan concerning General McCrystal’s recommendation, I can’t help but think what got us into this ridiculous situation. I also thought that in my years as a CEO, if it took me four months to make a decision about a high priority issue and then announced to an awaiting constituency about issuing that decision after that amount of time, I would have been a laughing stock to the employees and the shareholders would probably have shown me the door. I guess in politics the bar is not set as high.

The question then came to me about how we put an individual into the most powerful job on this planet with virtually no experience in running anything and educated in the Saul Alinsky school for radicals. Recently, Professor Joseph Olsen of Hamline University School of Law, in St. Paul, Minnesota did an unusual analysis of some interesting facts concerning last November’s presidential election. Although Obama won by a convincing electoral vote margin, many of us thought that the margin would be greater given the Republican candidate, the bias press coverage, the enormous amount of money spent by Obama, and the economic developments just prior to the election. Consider these facts:

The number of States won by Democrats: 19, Republicans: 29
The square miles of land won by Democrats: 580,000, Republicans: 2,427,000
Population of counties won by Democrats: 127 million, Republicans: 143 million
Murder rates per 100k residents in counties won by Democrats: 13.2, Republicans: 2.1

Dr. Olson also added that “in the aggregate, the map of the territory Republicans won was the land owned by most of the taxpaying citizens of the country. Democratic territory encompassed those citizens living in low-income tenements and living off various forms of government welfare”.

Olson believes that the U.S. is now somewhere between the “complacency and apathy” phase in the evolution of democracy, with some 40% of the population already having reached the “government dependency” phase. Since the liberal wing of the Democratic Party is hell bent on amnesty and citizenship for 20 million illegal’s who will eventually vote, along with the lowering of the voting age, the educational level of the U.S. voting public will be similar to that of a Banana Republic. The fact that Obama was elected primarily by minorities and the youth vote with the popularity of a rock-star, are you surprised at what we are contending with today?

Ronald Reagan said that, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction”. It’s time to stop this train to extinction. In this country we do it in the voting booth.

America you better start getting serious about this before its too late.


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