Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tyranny Trumps in Healthcare

You haven’t heard much from this corner in quite some time as I have watched things unfold in the health care debate. I predicted that Obamacare was dead after the Scott Brown election to the Senate from Massachusetts and I was dead wrong. I guess I had underestimated Obama’s tenacity to get his way regardless of what the people want. That’s what ideologues do.

Also, I never thought that the complete annihilation of this country right before my eyes on Sunday night would be gross entertainment, as I actually laughed myself silly listening to Nancy Pelosi’s remarks about this fiscal Frankenstein of a bill. She actually said this bill was about the American character, yes Nancy, back-room deals, bribes, arm-twisting, threats, patronage, political payoffs, and the like. Just like our founding fathers designed. She quoted the Declaration of Independence, after a few flubs, something about inalienable rights and life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Yes, Nancy, the right to have the Federal government determine your healthcare and force you to buy health insurance or be fined if you delay, with increasing interest penalties. The right to have 17,000 new IRS agents enforce this and harass you if you don’t comply with this new law. Yes Nancy, the right to have some Washington bureaucrat overrule your doctor by using some actuarial table to decide whether you “qualify” for life-saving treatment, based on your age and some productivity factor. And if your doctor decides to give you that treatment he gets fined because he “spent” too much government insurance on you.

We now have the House of Representatives being controlled by a pot-smoking, flower child from San Francisco, who sounds like she’s still on an acid trip when you listen to the distorted logic in her outlandish utterances. The crazies have been in charge of Congress for the last 4 years and they can’t keep blaming George Bush.

Obama’s remarks were equally outlandish, when he said this illustrated government of the people, by the people, and for the people, with a straight face, when 2 out of every 3 people absolutely reject this legislation. Yes, they both said this was an “historic moment”, just like Medicare (broke!), and Social Security (going broke!). I likened it to Pearl Harbor, 9/11, and the Great Depression, historic all right!

There are good things in this bill that both parties like, and that’s what the Democrats will be selling you in the coming months, but they won’t tell you about the government takeover buried in the 2,700 pages of this piece of progressive garbage. We will test the constitutionally of this bill in the coming months and thank God it won’t be operative for another 4 years, but you’re going to start paying for it now. And as the wheels come off this economy, this President stands by and continues to spend another 2.5 trillion of money we don’t have.

He continues his objective to transform this country into a European style socialist state that we don’t want and can’t recognize. Just another community organizer, but this time the community is the United States of America!


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