Friday, April 30, 2010

America Adrift with Inept Leadership and Shady Characters

Are you concerned about where this nation is headed? Is this leadership bringing us together as promised? Do you see a gathering storm in the immigration situation, are racial tensions increasing, does the Iranian nuclear threat have you worried, why have we abandoned our reliable allies for Muslim political correctness, do you feel our homeland is now less secure, and is the massive redistribution of wealth that is currently underway to “fundamentally transform this nation” something you wanted?

Why is our Congress voting on Puerto Rico independence when this question has already been resolved by the Puerto Rican people in previous elections and there’s plenty more important things to do? Why is the White House trying to control the U.S. census? What we are seeing is a massive grab of power and control by the progressive wing of the Democratic Party, a Party which I don’t recognize anymore. Where is the main street media in all of this, and why aren’t they holding this hypocrite of a President accountable for breaking most of his campaign promises after only 16 months in office?

Glenn Beck, a Fox political commentator at 5 PM EST, has finally uncovered the leftist tactical moves going on in the White House with people we have never heard of before, who are part of the Chicago political mafia and have been involved in this economic meltdown and are now prepared to make billions from the taxpayers in an effort to force Cap and Trade and the Green Revolution on this country. The Green Revolution is the biggest hoax in American history. It is no more than a scheme to redistribute our economic wealth to enrich corrupt politicians and strip this country of the entrepreneurial spirit that has made us great. Enron (remember them?) put this scam together years ago.

This is a Progressive action plan to undermine the religious foundation of our country, our Constitution, and the vision of our founding fathers. It is based on the theory of modern progressives that our Constitution is “outdated” and should be an evolving document reactive to developing events and the current social mores, unfounded in basic Judeo-Christian values and based on their definition of “social justice”.

Our system is based on “equal justice”, predicated on the rule of law not on one’s color, race, economic condition, or political status. I don’t know what social justice means or who is the omnipotent regulator of such a justice system.

Anyway, if you’re not able to see Glenn Beck’s program about this sorry attempt to hijack this country, I’ll start with Cap and Trade in the next post. Believe me this is no conspiracy theory, it’s the real thing and it’s going on in our backyard right now.


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