Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Cap & Trade Heist - Part III

Thus far you’ve seen how the same clique of people is planning to benefit from Cap & Trade legislation. Former discredited executives from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, investors in CCX from the Joyce Foundation, the Tides Foundation, GIM, the Center for American Progress, and the Apollo Alliance, the group that actually wrote the $780B Stimulus Bill for Congress, and the 24 Czars who will be running all this from inside this administration.

Mind you, less than six percent of the people in this administration have had private business experience, most of them are socialist organization leaders, union thugs and bosses,evironmentalists, and academics. So now the stage is set to pass this misguided legislation that has already been shown in Europe to be a disaster. Spain adopted it and, like Greece, is on the verge of bankruptcy and will need to be “bailed-out” by the European Union and/or the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for which the U.S. has a 17% liability, 3x as much as any country who participates in it.

Remember the Cap & Trade (or Climate) bill passed the house in June 2009 as Nancy Pelosi hustled it through by a slim 7 vote margin. She was actually able to get 7 Republicans to vote for it, and then it quickly went on the shelf as it was apparent that it wouldn’t get by the Senate, so the emphasis went to Obamacare. Obama would love to get this passed in order to generate the estimated $600B/yr it would provide for the government coffers and help offset the $2+ trillion that Obamacare will eventually cost. This is in addition to the money in increased energy prices that you will bear.

The Progressives need Cap & Trade to complete their transformational agenda and they need to get it done before the November election when they will lose control of the House. The public does not want this bill, but that does not concern this Congress. Therefore, the stage is set for a fight that will eventually break the back of the Obama presidency. They have the investors the technology, and the cover in place, all those no-name individuals who lurk behind the scenes. What is lacking is the law that will open the way to make it happen.


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