Sunday, November 7, 2010

2010 Election - No time to Gloat

Over 70 million Americans voted in the 2010 midterm elections, representing 42 percent of registered voters, about 1.2 percentage points higher than in 2006. Turnout was up in at least nine states, including significant increases in Florida, Minnesota and Texas; it appeared to be down slightly in several other states, including Ohio and Pennsylvania as the Democrats stayed home.

Even as results from the 2010 mid-term elections were still coming in, America was seeing a shift in the makeup of the political landscape both in Washington, D.C. and in state legislatures across the country. Republicans gained control of the U.S. House of Representatives and closed the gap in the Democratic majority in the U.S. Senate. They had a net gain of at least 60 seats in the House.
Democrats retained a slim majority in the Senate, where Republicans picked up 6 seats.

At the state level, Republicans will control at least 29 governorships, Democrats at least 16, and an Independent will be governor in Rhode Island. Combined with Republican pick ups in the state legislatures, this will have major implications for "redistricting" in 2011, where boundaries are established every ten years for congressional representation, which will favor Republicans for the next 10 years.

To say I’m ecstatic about the results is an understatement, even though it was expected. However, this is no time to gloat and the road ahead will be difficult. We must remove from office the most destructive President in our history. I’m amazed that many of these races were so close and how many people still don’t understand the magnitude of Obama’s flawed agenda. It certainly points out the need to continually hold him accountable for his errant policies and actions in the next 2 years and to counter the toxic propaganda of unions like SEIU, the leftist media and internet, and the misguided theories of about 40 Socialist and Communist “czars” who have found a home in this Administration.

The new conservative-controlled House will be the source of much legislation in the coming months that will refute and repeal the garbage that was past in the last 2 years under Pelosi’s authoritative and intimidating reign of terror. Obama will be forced to veto much of this legislation which will make him more vulnerable in 2012, because he is an ideologue not a politician like Clinton.

Now that the political landscape has changed and the country has sent Mr. Obama a resounding message, it is time for a new leader to emerge, one who loves America and is capable of unseating him, one who can get this country back to the optimistic world power it once was before we elected a President not worthy of his own people.


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