As we end this rather memorable year we say good riddance to a Congress that will go down in history as the worse collection of losers to ever reside on Capitol Hill, particularly the devious and pathetic leadership. I have never seen the likes of the methods and processes used to pass bad legislation in my memory, and I’ve been around a few years. The reams of paper and convoluted proposals written by the unknown staff of clandestine czars and academic re-treads was exemplified in the healthcare bill, stimulus package, and the recent omnibus budget bill that was killed during the lame duck session. Thank God.
This blatant insult on the American public peaked when a series of rotten bills was attempted to be pushed through this month in the lame duck session by a Congress in which 20% of its occupants have just been voted out of office. Most of the bills were either non-consequential or should have been handled many months ago.
To top off this circus, here is President Obama heroically delaying his Christmas vacation in Hawaii and taking all the bows on legislation that he has been campaigning against for the last two years, once he realized he was on the wrong side of the argument (i.e. extension of the Bush tax cuts), which he said was the cause of the economic disaster in 2008. Then he proceeded to patronize the gay coalition with the passing of “don’t ask, don’t tell”, when 77% of the public was for it, as well as most Republicans. Boy wasn’t that tough to get through! And why wasn’t this done months ago? And who really cares, except the Joint Chiefs?
And then there is the ill-conceived “Dream Act” in the hope of kissing up to the Hispanic coalition. Who created this fiasco? General amnesty for all those poor innocent children of illegal aliens as old as 34, who can join the military or go to college (they don’t even have to graduate) and automatically become citizens. Then they can make any illegal in their immediate family legal, even bring some more over from their home country. Just be glad that reason prevailed on this one, due to Republicans and moderate Dems who shot it down.
Then there is the great peace-maker, Barack Obama, and the Start Treaty with Russia. This stupid treaty calls for the dismemberment of most of the technically obsolete nuclear weapons of both countries and brings them equal in size, which means we have to do most of the elimination. Unfortunately, it has none of the verification standards of past nuclear treaties with Russia. This is supposed to be a “giant step to stop nuclear proliferation” according to Mr. Obama, while he sits on his hands and watches Iran and North Korea proliferate. Nuclear weapons in the hands of the U.S. are not a threat to world peace. In fact, it ensures world peace! How do you feel about nuclear weapons in the hands of Iran, North Korea, Russia, and China? Tragically this treaty passed because Pelosi had all those Democratic lame ducks in the House so the Republicans could not delay ratification until next year, when it would have crashed in a heap.
So let Mr. Obama bask in his “so-called” December accomplishments. We will have a different Congress in 2011 and his agenda for this country will hit a wall, starting with the repeal of Obamacare.
Have a Happy New Year; good things are coming!
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