Friday, February 6, 2009

Our New Leader - Or Follower?

Ladies and gentlemen I just witnessed a very scary thing. Our new leader just interrupted all the cable programs Thursday evening, 2/5/09, at 8:30pm (prime time) in order to show us his talk to a bunch of Democratic senators and congressmen who were congregating at a resort in Virginia (paid for by us), most of who appear to have had too much to drink. I might say that the President also looked like he sipped one or two before this ridiculous speech.

He continues to predict the Armageddon of our entire economy and nation because the most learned economists tell him that it is so. Has anyone told him that an equal number on the other side say something completely different? He says that this “stimulus” bill needs to be at least 800 billion dollars, but he doesn’t say why the number is so important and he mentions nothing about the substance. He says that he’s tired of arguments on the other side, which talk about corporate and capital gains tax cuts.


Is it because he just wants to show we only need to throw money at this problem?

In my lifetime I have never seen a leader who struts around like a pop star without any apparent involvement in the process. Leaving it to the others to “work” the problem.

In this speech, he acknowledged Nancy Pelosi calling her a “rock”. Just the previous day, she emphatically declared that if this preposterous House stimulus bill was not passed right away, we would lose 500 million jobs a month for the remainder of the year!

She repeated this twice.

Somebody should tell her that only 300 million people live in the U.S.!

Her prediction is that everyone, plus 200 million more people will be out of work in the next month. This shows she has no grasp of numbers and the difference between millions, billions, trillions, etc. Apparently, it’s just a few more zeros to her.

With people like this in charge, we are in deep doo doo.

The FDR administration has already shown us that throwing money and government programs at the problem failed to create jobs and curtail a Depression and here we are repeating the story. It only leads to patronage and political leverage and control.

I’m afraid we have an amateur in charge.

I hope I’m not bursting your bubble, but someone with no experience at making critical decisions like this and spending his time on TV establishing his image and playing HORSE in the White House gym in the afternoon at a time like this, is a scary thought.

In addition, some of his cabinet appointees and his inept Press Secretary leave much to be desired.

This President needs a lot of help and he is greatly over-rated. We need more than a lofty speech right now. We need calm and prudent analysis and well-crafted legislation. Not 700 pages of crap ginned up in two days and read by no one.

Fasten your seat belts; we’re in for a bumpy ride!


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