Friday, February 13, 2009

Strength Training Will Keep You Young

I thought that I’d talk about some guy stuff today and give the politicians and economists a day off. The question of aging is an inevitable phenomenon that we all have to cope with and men do it differently than women. Women seem to view this process in a rather ominous fashion treating it with various concoctions of creams and make-up for their face, body, and eyes and different hairstyles with highlights. Of course, for men a tinge of gray and a few wrinkles is sexy, according to most women. And hair, well most of us men have the same hair style for life, as long as it lasts.

What bothers most men is the loss of muscle, the inexplicable disappearance of a waist after the age of forty, and losing that quick step and the competitive energy that comes with flexibility and strength. Also, it’s well known that as your body deteriorates it will also affect your brain function and emotional health.

Most of us try various forms of aerobic exercise (walking, jogging, cycling, etc) to control weight and flexibility but these kinds of activities while beneficial do not prevent muscle loss. A 10 year study of American’s best master distance runners showed a five pound muscle loss between their mid 40’s and mid 50’s which is the same rate seen in sedentary people. In fact, while we add an average of one pound of body weight yearly, we lose about 0.5 pounds of muscle and gain 1.5 pounds of fat. So our body weight may change by one pound, but body composition changes by two pounds-in the wrong direction.

The only way to maintain or improve muscle mass is to engage in some form of strength exercise regularly. About three years ago I found a system that meets my lifestyle and does not involved the conventional weight lifting programs you find at most gyms that entail a lot of grunting and sweating with unsupervised training. I described the system I use in my wife’s blog,, it’s called High Intensity training and entails 20 minutes, 2-3 times a week and is comfortable for people up into their 80’s. In fact, age is not a barrier to muscle replacement. Seniors in their 80’s add muscle tissue at about the same rate as younger adults.

I can’t tell you how much strength training has enhanced my well being, mental attitude, and ability to perform tasks that use to be drudgery. I have included some links below for you to review should you want more information.

If you want to resist the onslaught of father time, try it, you won’t regret you did!


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