Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Should Al Gore Win The Booby Prize This Year?

I wonder how many of you are aware of a looming burden being prepared by the liberal Democrats and their glorious leader for the U.S. economy. It’s called cap-and-trade which is devised to encourage development of alternative sources of energy by auctioning off permits to emit carbon dioxide, at a cost that is supposed to discourage the use of fossil fuels. These fuels currently generate over 80% of our energy. It’s called “climate revenue” and is predicted to generate more than $600 billion annually to the government coffers. This is really a tax on the private sector and they will view it as additional energy costs, thus reducing their gross margins. When your margins go down, you increase your prices and eventually it gets passed on to you and me.

President Obama’s energy proposals grossly underestimate the time to bring alternative fuels to compete with oil and gas on a commercial scale. As a matter of fact, his energy czar says we will need a lot more fossil fuel sources while we’re waiting and will probably have to spend $12 trillion until we get there. However, let’s leave this problem to our new czar of global warming, Mrs. Carol M. Browner, head of the FDA under Clinton. She is the new “coordinator of climate policies”, replacing God in that position. In order to take this job she left her position as a leader of the Commission for a Sustainable World Society, a group that advocates global governance, which requires “rich” countries to shrink their economies to help fight global warming. In fact,after she was named to this position Mrs. Browner’s name quickly disappeared from the rolls of another one of her affiliations, Socialist International. Get the picture?

All of these gyrations based on the premise that we are at the precipice of a global catastrophe, global warming, when the inconvenient truth is that for the last few years we appear to be on the brink of an approaching ice age, according to a new study by Russian scientists. Can’t you tell by the fact that the last few global warming conferences have been delayed by ice and blizzards. You would think they would learn to schedule these in July.

Anyway, a cap-and-trade emission trading system has been operating in Europe for the past two years and has been a dismal failure. It has been an opportunity for political manipulation, bureaucracy, and worse. Causing volatile energy prices as permit prices soar when fuel prices rise and bust when they fall.

This is another ill-timed and poorly analyzed program that will reduce our global competitiveness and cost us billions. Why not encourage more drilling on the Continental Shelf and begin a thrust in nuclear energy, which will generate millions of jobs right away and put us on the road to energy independence? No, I guess that’s too easy! Let’s continue to make hybrid cars at higher prices, build windmills all over the country, and continue to generate ethanol from corn so that corn prices soar, at a cost that must be subsidized by the taxpayers in order to ever be competitive with hydrocarbon fuels. What a mess! We can thank Al Gore for all of this. No wonder he won the Nobel Peace Prize. He really is a “piece” of work.


  1. Who will stop this from happening? Not the Rinos in the senate as seen with the passing of the ominbus bill as i predicted.There is more to come such as immigration reform,FOCA,card check and probably some errosion of our 2nd amendment rights.Elections have consequences and we are just beggining to see what 53% have elected to power.Our electorate are brainwashed by our liberal school system and leftist media.I'm afraid its going to get a lot worse in the nex't four years before these sheeple see the light.Lets just hope there is a country left to save at that time.

  2. Anonymous:
    If you just sit around and complain that the world is coming to an end, nobody is going to listen to you. You need to find a way to profess conservative values in a manner that doesn't subvert your credibility. Go out there get some good conservatives elected!

  3. I've worked on and contributed to numerous conservatives campaigns in the last 30 years.I'm sorry if i don't see the country through your "polyana lens".

  4. Anonymous:
    I've done it for 40 years, since Goldwater, when things looked hopeless and than great things eventually happened. I guess I don't see the country through the dark lenes that you have on.

  5. The election of Obama has indeed turned my lens dark,for many reasons.The media has totally relinquished its objectivity and will not report to the public anything negative concerning the obama presidency and there are many missteps already in the first 55 days.Most of the electorate does not have the time or desire to find alternate means of finding out the truth.He will have to take the country into a depression before the MSM turns on him.No president before Obama in our lifetime,not even Carter or Clinton had the deep rooted socialist,marxist beliefs that he has.I just hope there is another Reagan out there to lead us out of the abyss that is about to happen.Sort of a political leader that can express the conservative values currently like Rush Limbaugh does.

  6. Anonymous:
    I think that Spense, Ryan, Cantor, and the govs from Minnosota and Louisiana have the potential. Perhaps Rommney, who is presidential timber, will catch on next time once he has greater national exposure. I believe that the conservatives have a much better bench of candidates than liberals.

  7. Forget Pawlenty.He has been invisible in the apparent Franken theft of the Minnesota senate race.The real problem is that Coleman is not really a conservative much like several other of his senate brethren(Spector,Snowe,Collins,Voinovich,Graham,McCain). We have too many Repulicans quick to reach across the aisle which really means sacrificing conservative values.There isn't anything that the Demorats advocate that true conservatives agree with or which are good for the future of our country.We must not compromise with them we must defeat them,just as they want to bury us.
