Saturday, March 7, 2009

Small Business - Absent from Obama's Radar Screen

I’ve been thinking for the last couple of days what I want to talk to you about. It’s easy to read the daily paper and continue to criticize the rather clueless Obama administration for their incredibly amateurish handling of the economic crisis, but I don’t want to bore you. What I’d like to talk about is the way real people are being impacted. I’m talking about the people who actually work for a living and pay taxes and their mortgage, people who are not looking for a handout from the government, people who own small businesses and who support their families, friends, and relatives with jobs, the small business owners who really fuel this economy.

I volunteer for an organization called SCORE, the Service Corp of Retired Executives. We are counselors to small business entrepreneurs and provide business advice, mentoring, workshops, and seminars for start-up businesses or small business owners seeking professional advice for any business issue. SCORE is supported by an on-going grant from the U.S. Small Business Administration and independent contributors and foundations who understand the importance of this work. We have 370 Chapters across the country with 11,200 volunteers covering over 600 different business skills.

In our experience these past few months, we see many people in real trouble, particularly here in Southwest Florida, where the economy is heavily weighted towards construction, housing development, retail, and services. We actually see business people in tears suffering from worry, anxiety, and depression. These individuals are very proud and many people rely on them for jobs and they now find themselves looking at the abyss they never believed would face them. They have such pride that they could not admit what has happening to them and came to SCORE too late in the game to turn things around.

Where is the help for small business in the Stimulus package? No where to be found! We readily help those people who don’t pay any taxes and then send them a tax rebate complements of those who do. Oh yes, lets now raise the tax rate for those rich small business owners who make over $250k/yr. Let’s disincentivize them from making more money, creating more jobs, and investing to grow their business. That’s what Mr. Obama just recommended to Congress. Many small business people will now be in a 40% tax bracket, and when you combine this with State, Sales, Property, etc. taxes, most will have more than half their income confiscated by our government. How would you like to work half the year for nothing? These people are the engine of our economy; there is something wrong with this scenario.

On my next posting, I want to talk about another ingenious way this Administration is seeking to confiscate money without calling it a tax. It’s called “climate revenue” and its being driven by the falsehood that global warming is caused by greenhouse gases, or carbon dioxide, being generated by businesses that use fossil fuels (which is virtually all of them). Obviously, this must be true since one of our most renowned scientists, Al Gore, says so.


  1. Small businesses create 97% of all new jobs in this country.This is a plan by Obama to destroy the private sector in this country,similar to the model of Western Europe.The second American Revolution is not too far off.Be prepared.

  2. Anonymous:
    Thanks for your comment. I don't know if his plan is what you say but his policies are not good for the private sector. He will be a one-term president if this continues because the American people will not tolerate socialism and one man is not enough to destroy our economy even if he sits in that chair. We all need to continue to stay informed and hold him accountable.

  3. With the stranglehold the Democrats hold in the White House and Congress what will this country look like in four years? Conservatives cannot even filibuster in the senate due to 2-3 Rino senators.The majority of the voting class are apathetic at best or simple minded and easily led by the Messiah.We could be at the point of no return and in a deep recession in four years.I don't share your enthusiasm as the last election proved my point in as we elected the most liberal,inexperienced,unqualified president in our countries history.

  4. Anonymous:
    My belief is that you will see a swing to the right in the mid-term elections and the Republicans will pick up seats. You also will see many moderate Democrats parting from Obama in the near term. Already apparent on the ominbus tax bill recently sent to Congress. That bill may not be passed in its current form. Remember the swing that occurred after the Carter Administration, it happened pretty quickly. I don't share your pessimism; he got elected because Republicans nominated the wrong candidate and they never believed he could beat Hillary or Obama.

  5. We didn't nominate McCain the Demorats did in the open primaries.Also Huckabee teamed up with McCain to defeat Romney,remember West Virginia.The media also never vetted Obama and the majority of voters either didn't know or care to know anything about him.Your point on the omnibus bill is not valid.There are at least 5-7 Rinos who will support it and have said so(Shelby,Snowe,Collins,Vonovich,Specter).Yes we will probably pick up seats in the house,but who will lead the Conservative movement in 2010?There are no Rush Limbaughs that i see to speak the true conservative values,such as Reagan did in 1980.I can't be optimistic with the current state we are in.

  6. What can the average person do to really make an impact on this mess? The Obama ship has sailed and the direction is not pretty. The conservative supporters are out there and talking, and yet there seems to be little that can be done, other than to agree we are heading for a bigger mess. I listen to talk radio and Fox and yet it seems at the end my feelings are only confirmed, but without any solutions. Knowing that we have at least four more years ahead, it's very depressing (on top of seeing the value of my stock and retirement fund evaporate by 40%) to see all of this at the very beginning of the Obama term. Any suggestions how we can make an impact and/or how to survive the next four years?

  7. Anonymous:
    I think talk radio and Fox News are providing commentary that is keeping Obama and his inept gang accountable. Even the MSM is starting to comment adversely on some of his misguided programs and his pole numbers are dropping. He now has embraced McCain's healthcare plan and is using more broad-based ideas than the conventional liberal "universal" approach. You know we have to live with him for the next 4 years so why keep moaning about it?
    You will soon see civil unrest and the moderate Democrats will then start to break. Also, the conservatives are more united than I've seen in years. No doubt we have an uphill battle ahead, but you are paranoid about the prospects. Your State, New Jersey, is one hot bed of liberals, so what are you doing about getting a conservative elected there? Must we always have to write off that State in the electoral college?

  8. As the saying goes "those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones".The two states you reside in,Florida and Ohio,both were directly responsible for electing this abomination.Perhaps you should be concerned about why these states turned Blue in the last election before you worry about New Jersey which has been Blue since after Reagan.As i have stated before i have worked on conservation campaigns for the last thirty years and will continue to do so.I am also not the Anomynous from the last comment,i don't quiver in my bed worrying about the future and what can i do?I am very proactive in the defeating the liberal/socialist agenda that we are facing now.

  9. Reaganite:
    If you are not the right Anomynous why did you bother to reply to my response? How was I supposed to know? You also have a selective memory, it was Ohio and Florida that got Bush elected against Gore And Kerry. Maybe you should start arguing with liberal bloggers.

  10. Why don't you retire to your naples "compound" and leave the fighting to us true conservatives.
