Thursday, January 7, 2010

An Economic or Leadership Crisis?

As President Obama concludes his first year in office, I attempted to evaluate his leadership skills since that is a key characteristic of great Presidents. Also, as a student of Leadership, it’s clear that successful leaders are different and have different strengths and skill sets. One thing is sure, however, most are charismatic and eloquent speakers and can mesmerize their audience by their commanding presence and message. Think of Roosevelt, Kennedy, Reagan, Clinton; but even Hitler, Castro, and Chavez have that skill, so this attribute is important but not essential for great leaders.

What do people expect from their leaders? Usually, the following four things:

1. Purpose, Direction, Meaning
2. Trust
3. Optimism
4. Action and Positive Results

In delivering these things, the methods and tactics a leader uses are critical and separate the great ones from the mediocre.

Characteristics of Great Leaders

Leaders have vision and develop a plan to implement that vision. They don’t make promises before they determine if the plan is feasible or achievable. Plans help them make go-no go decisions.
Think about GITMO and campaign promises.
Leaders never look for blame in others. They are accountable and take action to make changes to correct poor implementation.
Think the Christmas Day bomber, Bush policies.
Leaders never blame their predecessors for their problems or what they “inherited”.
Think the Bush policies, the recession, Iraq.
Leaders admit when they make mistakes and don’t let their ego get in the way.
Think GITMO, Iran Policy, Stimulus, Healthcare, deficits, unemployment.
Leaders encourage debate and try to reach compromise or a consensus among their managers or constituency.
Think healthcare debate, cap & trade, global warming scandal, Pelosi & Reid, Congress.
Leaders don’t take credit for achievement, they know their limitations and look to give credit.
Think economic recovery.
• Well lead organizations are coordinated and provide a consistent message.
Think Robert Gibbs, Janet Napolitano, Joe Biden, Pelosi and Reid, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd and the Czars.
Leaders do not deride their organization in public or apologize for its behavior. This will demoralize their employees or constituents.
Think European Tour, Nobel Speech, Copenhagen Climate Conference, Latin American Conference Speech, Reagan’s quote “that shining city on the hill”.
Leaders will support and come to the defense of their allies and not worry about offending their enemies.
Think Israel, Iranian demonstrators, Columbia, South Korea, former Soviet nations, Eastern Europe, Poland missile defense, Honduras.
Leaders never come to conclusions, particularly in public, until they know all the facts.
Think the Christmas Day bomber, Louis Gates affair, Fort Hood shootings.
• Oh Yes! Leaders never say “knock on wood”.

Now I would like you to grade our President……… Enough said!


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