Wednesday, January 20, 2010

In America: The People Talk

The results in Massachusetts last night illustrate a point I’ve been making for some time in this corner. The people eventually call the shots and if you have an arrogant President and Congress who think they know what’s best for you and then proceed on a path completely out of sync with what you want, the ballot box is how we do it in America. I’m just surprised it came this fast, even before the 2010 mid-term elections in November. We’ve seen it in Virginia, New Jersey, and now Massachusetts. Two of those states are so blue that this result is an utter rebuke of Mr. Obama’s policies and those of the Democratic controlled Congress by their own constituents.

We are a centrist country and move left or right of that periodically. If either party allows extremists to get control, the inevitable happens. The Democratic Party is currently controlled by the radical left. This President has deceived the voters by campaigning as a moderate, broken most of his promises in his first year, and has laden himself with advisors and staff that promote socialist, radical, and even Communistic approaches to government.

From this we can only conclude that Obama believes these theories and plans to follow this path, as illustrated by his track record, education, associates, and friends. For a long time most Democrats have been in denial. They have followed him down this path because his story was truly an American one; he is youthful, eloquent, and an African-American. Truly a statement of how far we have come as a nation. Too bad he is arrogant, aloof, close-minded, and a poor leader. Yes, he seems like a nice person with a lovely family, but these are dangerous times and there are serious questions about his leadership and the outlandish dealings in Congress.

The people are tired of corruption, self- serving special interests, back room deals, and creating legislation on the fly. They don’t want big government that tells you what car to buy, how to heat your house, what you can eat, what kind of medical treatment you deserve, and what your salary should be. An administration that believes it is solely the economy causing the tea-party demonstrations of “angry red-necks”, is in total disconnect its the people.

Will the results in Massachusetts finally get Washington to listen? Not likely, but I believe Obamacare is dead and we will eventually get bi-partisan healthcare reform and it will be much better than this deplorable legislation that is currently on the table. If not, a lot of Democrats will be out of work in November.


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