Friday, August 31, 2012

Dems Must Think We’re Stupid

I am writing this the day after Paul Ryan’s speech at the Republican National Convention. I have been able to watch most of the convention coverage.

I am amazed how so many people who watched these proceedings could not be impressed by the quality, stature, accomplishments, and results achieved by the speakers. Ryan’s speech, which was a masterpiece, is already being trashed by the mainstream media and leftist blogs, calling him a “woman hater” and “extremist”. Anyone who heard the speech could never reach that conclusion. We Americans are not that stupid. Apparently, our President’s supporters think we are.

Also, when the Republican called off the first day for safety reasons and everyone was concerned about how they could start the convention with Isaac headed towards New Orleans, Obama held a 10-minute press conference to give “instructions” to the people of that great city and then hustled out the door for a campaign trip to some community college and fund raiser.

Unfortunately, Isaac hit eastern New Orleans and many people in that area had a situation worse than Katrina. Huddled in the attics with their families or on their roofs waiting for help, losing everything. Where is Obama? I heard he spent one hour today on some leftist website, probably talking about is favorite ice cream. Where are his FEMA people? I thought by now they would be on the scene handing out goodies and supplies for a photo op. I guess the Obama campaign must have written off Louisiana.

My guess is that they are all working on preparations for their extravaganza. I can’t wait, but I don’t think we’ll get the Greek columns this time. They certainly won’t talk about the big issues. Nothing there. Let’s talk about the social issues, free contraception for all, war against women, gay marriage, rich vs. poor, black vs. white, amnesty for illegals. These topics are great for Twitter, since you’re limited to 40 characters and they can really be covered by sound bytes. All designed to reach their specific voting blocs.

Oh yes, let’s hear from Sandra Fluke, who wants us to pay for her rather aggressive sex life, since $6/month for a normal 30 day pill supply was not enough during her time at Georgetown and those nasty Catholics, well you know, they won’t even cover it on the student medical insurance! Sandra, we have more important issues, ask those 23 million people out of work. Sandra, if you can’t afford the six bucks, how about gluing your knees together until you get a real job. Fluke will be a featured speaker and I can hardly wait. Sorry, to be so blunt, but as a Catholic, I don’t want my taxes going to kill babies. Buy your pills with your own money, that’s what choice means.

All I know is that I have seen plenty of intelligent and successful men and women speak at this convention, black, white, Hispanic, and most came from middle class backgrounds and have succeeded the hard way, they earned it. They certainly don’t represent the image the Dems would want you to have of the Party. In fact, I doubt if the Dems can match this display of talent.


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