Sunday, August 12, 2012
Romney Shows Real Leadership with Ryan Selection
Needless to say, the selection of Congressman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin may have been a surprise to some but I am a big fan of Ryan and have written several articles about him over the years. As many of the pundits have said, Romney’s selection will force the Obama campaign to face up to the issues, because the people will soon see that Romney and Ryan are the only adults in the room. Personal attacks on Romney, painting him as a felon and linking him to the death of a woman he had nothing to do with, degrading his success, misrepresenting his views, and truly lying about his accomplishments, are the acts of a desperate campaign of a failed administration, burning through their financial resources.
Immediately the attack dogs are pouncing on Ryan’s budget plan which finally seriously addresses our national debt and deficit issues, and attempts to reform our entitlements which are on the path of near term bankruptcy. Ryan’s presence on the ticket will provide a clear cut choice between the polarized ideologies that have stagnated our political system for the past 6 years since Reed, Pelosi, and Obama got control of our government, or at least since the 2010 election.
It’s a choice of continuing to kick the can down the road, more of the same, no creative ideas or concern for our out-of-control debt, and continue on the spending spree and social programs that enhance dependency; or a choice for fiscal responsibility, balance budgets, restrained spending, lower taxes for everyone, which will enhance economic growth and motivate investments, and thus grow jobs.
Already you hear the left saying, Medicare will be decimated, along with Social Security, kids will starve, people will be turned away from hospitals, we will have dirty water, air, and food. The truth of course, is nothing of the sort. The GOP economic plan says anything about junking Medicare or doing away with proven social programs; the real scare is 4 more years of the path we are currently on.
I hope you heard Paul Ryan’s remarks yesterday. He is a super smart person with a Kennedyesque charisma, brilliant credentials in the financial area, with lots of experience in Congress and he surpassed many of his peers in the House due to his capabilities and his ability to articulate complicated issues in a way the voter can understand. He is not afraid of the truth, a terrific problem solver, and has great leadership qualities. He will empower the GOP conservative base and invigorate the Tea Party, and pretty soon the country will get to know him and his popularity will surge.
Mitt, has made a great selection, and when elected he will bring real professionals to Washington in contrast to this crew of amateur academics and elitist lefties, who avoid the truth and run away from the real issues.
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