Saturday, September 29, 2012

Does Lying Pay?

Judging from the recent presidential election polls, if you’re a politician, it certainly does. Starting with the Democratic convention and all the TV ads, the Obama campaign has saturated the screen and media, not about Obama’s accomplishments (there aren’t many), but about portraying Mitt Romney as a rich man totally disconnected from the “working class”, and characterizing him as a felon, wife killer, tax evader, and part of the privileged class; all part of a larger strategy to divide this country on a class basis.

Romney has been vetted much more than Mr. Obama as a public figure, and has an impeccable track record of accomplishments both in business, politics, and charitable work. Yet this does not get much traction with Obama’s constituency, people who vote on race, love of handouts, are chronically unemployed, impressionable young people, unionized teachers and government employees, and uninformed voters who get news via the pop media. The educated element of his constituency are college professors raised by the flower children of the 60’s who hate America and capitalism, but love socialism and believe that government should control most aspects of our life.

In fact, the so-called War on Women was invented during a Republican primary debate when George Stephanopoulos asked Romney if he was against contraception. Of course, Romney had no idea what he was talking about since this was not a national political issue and Republicans never said they were. Everyone knows that contraception is readily available to all people and free for the needy through Planned Parenthood and, in fact, they even hand out condoms in high schools. What Republicans object to is taxpayer subsidy of abortion and forcing contraception on religious organizations against their conscience via Obamacare. This is a violation of the 1st Amendment granting all Americans freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition. There is no War on Women; it is an utter hoax. Women in America in the last decade, mostly under Bush, have enjoyed the greatest boom in their economic independence, professional employment, and higher paying jobs than ever before in the history of the planet.

Here are some other lies in Obama’s ads:

1. Romney wants to raise taxes on the middle class – Romney wants to cut taxes for everyone to stimulate investment and generate jobs.

2. Romney will cut taxes for the rich – yes, but offset these by the elimination of loopholes, credits, and deductions that cause abuse of the system.

3. Obamacare will cut the cost of Medicare – A lie; it will raise the cost of healthcare in general ($2 trillion in 10 yrs.) and will cut Medicare services by some $570 billion starting now.

4. Obama’s foreign policy has made us safe, Bin Laden is dead and GM is alive, – Lie, Bin Laden is dead all right, but that is not a foreign policy. Also, ask the parents of the late Ambassador to Libya if we are safer, and those millions burning our flag in 20 countries. Also, GM may be alive but has a $50 billion debt with no way to pay it off in the future. As a company, it is on life support, or Obama support.

The story goes on and on and this election will be a good measure of whether lying is an excellent election strategy.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

A Pathetic President – Unbridled

I know that many of you who read these posts are Romney supporters and you are depressed about what you see in the main street media about their perception of the campaign thus far. The truth is that no matter how pathetic Obama is as a President and the errors of his campaign, you won’t hear about it. The only balanced source of the other side of the story is the Internet and Fox News.

I just finished reading several books related to this Presidency. One is still a NY Times best seller called, “The Amateur” by Ed Klein. From interviews with scores of people close to Obama and currently working at the White House, it is clear how shallow he is and his lack of leadership skills. He is an amateur, but the press will never let you know. A recent interview with the Mexican Network, Telemundo, where he got hard ball questions and buckled under this pressure and resorted to blatant lies to get through, was illustrative of his ineptness. The White House press corps has never hit him with questions like that in the last 4 years.

Wait until the debates in October and I’m sure we will get the same thing. The moderators are from NBC, CBS, PBS, and CNN; listen to the questions Obama gets relative to Romney. When a President lies to your face in a press conference or an interview, how many reporters have the guts to confront him? The problem is the uninformed voters (and there are many), actually believe him.

Another example of this irresponsible press coverage is the current Mid-East crisis, which is a total refute of the Administration’s failed foreign policy in this part of the world. A murdered Ambassador in Libya, flag burnings and violent anti-American demonstrations in 20 countries in Europe, Asia, and the mid-East, and all you hear about it in the press is Romney’s “ill advised” remarks about the Libyan situation and the 47% of Americans who pay no taxes. The crisis showed that this State Department and the Administration did not react to warnings from the Libyan government and failed to provide the necessary security during the 9/11 anniversary to protect 4 courageous American heroes and tried to cover it up. This is a President who is absent from security meetings and gets information from written reports slid under the door of his living quarters and no questions ever come back. If this doesn’t convince you how important it is to “get him out”, quoting Clint Eastwood, nothing will.

The two other books I recommend are, “The Communist” by Paul Kengor, which is the story of Frank Marshall Davis, who mentored a young Obama on Stalinism, Leninism, and the US Communist party principles, before he entered college. This was a grounding that Obama expanded via his associations with socialists, communists, progressives, and Islamic terrorists throughout his college career as he stated in his own autobiography. The other book, “Fool Me Twice” by Aaron Klein and Brenda Elliott, is a scenario of what to expect in the next four years if Obama is re-elected. This is based on programs already in progress that continue to expand government and threaten to change America to an entitlement state for decades to come. Heaven help us!

We must get Republicans out of the doldrums and into the voting booth in November.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Do You Recognize This America?

We have finally come to the debate that this election is all about. The so-called haves and the have-nots. This is the seminal question that needs to be addressed and Romney brought it to the surface when a left-wing publication, Mother’s News, released a tape of Romney talking to donors at a fund-raising event in May about the political realities of his election. It's the fact that Obama immediately has a major constituency of people in this country who don’t pay taxes and would not be sympathetic to Romney’s view of an individual’s freedom from dependency, the creation of wealth rather than the redistribution of it, and lower taxes to spur investment and hiring in the private sector. This doesn’t go over very well with people who live on the government dole.

The Republicans quickly countered with a tape of Obama from 1998, where he states his belief in redistribution and taking the nation on the path that has ruined much of Europe’s economy and that of communist countries like the old USSR, Cuba, and Venezuela. The Obama theory is to take the wealth of the productive people who pay most of the taxes and give it to the least productive. In essence, he buys their votes with our money, in order to perpetuate his power. The system has failed wherever it has been implemented and stagnates economic growth.

This type of system is the antithesis of the American dream and the nation we have been for 230 years. It divides us along class, income, race, and gender lines and creates an oversimplified segmentation of our population based strictly on wealth rather than contribution and the pursuit of happiness.

Also, it’s a system that develops a privileged statist class where public sector income surpasses that in the private sector and people are awarded unrealistic pensions, health plans, perks, and lifetime jobs, in the rather wasteful and inefficient systems that permeate the non-profit public sector. This elitist class chooses the winners and losers and builds a morass of ineffective bureaucratic commissions and committees that enhance their own interests. This is a class that is being resurrected again in Russia under Putin and causing demonstrations in the streets.

We see this also in the mid-East, particularly in Egypt and Iran, where religious fanaticism and a crumbling economy, with a 70% unemployment rate for the youth under 30, results in having nothing to do but demonstrate in the streets and burn our flag, rather than have a job to go to.

Is this what’s in our future? We are starting to see the symptoms here; teachers in Chicago, occupiers on Wall Street, racial and class warfare. Is this the hope and change you expected? Are we more divided today than 4 years ago? What kind of society have we become? Do we evaluate our Presidents on performance or their “likeability” factor?
Mr. Romney should not shy away from his remarks; he should face this head on and tell us the truth not what politicians like Mr. Obama think we want to hear.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Conventional Chaos

In the final night of this Democratic convention, I hope we can make some sense of the chaos in its rhetoric and its total disconnect with the American people. This is a scary bunch, not only most of the speakers, but also the attendees. If the Democrats pull off this election, which I doubt, it will be the biggest con ever pulled over the American public.

Many Democrats I have talked with don’t recognize this party. It has been virtually high-jacked by its far left wing. It is a party of lies, deceit, and personal destruction. It is the most anti-business party we have ever had in our history, promoting the government as the all knowing ruler of our destiny and taking us on a path towards a Socialist philosophy that has taken down most of Western Europe, and caused the economic stagnation of the USSR and most of Eastern Europe during the Cold War.

The patronizing and Alinsky-like rhetoric, and the lies and deception about the views of their opponents, is in sharp contrast with the convention in Tampa. The slobbering worship of a President, who has wasted four years extending our economic agony, was embarrassing.

If you heard the remarks of Sandra Fluke and Elizabeth Warren, you ask yourself what are they talking about? Women should be offended by what they said. Making it appear as if they were trapped and abused by a male-driven society that is in a war on women’s rights, during a decade that has seen the greatest rise in women’s opportunity in the workplace, corporate jobs, and income advancement; achieving a status never before seen on this planet. If anything, this party has a war on white males, because they can’t find a way to get their vote.

To make matters worse, they parade out a former President to make the nomination and he proceeds to smear his insatiable ego all over the TV screen with his folksy analysis of how things were so great during his administration, forgetting to tell you that the other party saved his ass, when the Republican landslide Congressional election forced him to govern to the center, something Barack Obama will never do. Give him more time; this job was harder than we thought, says Clinton. Clinton dislikes Obama so much and the purpose of his speech was only for holding open the Presidential option for his wife. This speaks volumes about his sincerity and integrity.

I’m listening now to Joe Biden, a guy who they wanted to throw off the ticket because of his misguided views of the world and embarrassing gaffes. Here he is praising this great President and rallying this collection of Kool-Aid drinkers, who seem to love the security of life on the government dole.

Obama is next, I can hardly wait. Listening to this parade of angry and yelling politicians at this convention is very scary. This crew is desperate to remain in power.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Desperate Convention

The theme of the Obama campaign is the word “Forward”, but we see a video of the late Ted Kennedy debating Romney for Governor of MA, a video of Jimmy Carter tomorrow, and a key address from former President Bill Clinton. Sounds like the democrats are going backward. As the convention opens they are having a hard time answering the question, “Are you better off today than you were 4 years ago?”

I am currently listening to Kathleen Sebelius talking about the “affordable health care act or Obamacare”. Her spin on this seems to please the attendees, but 60% of the people in the country don’t buy her spin. The key word is “affordable” and the mere fact that non-partisan accounting groups say this will cost us $2 trillion more than the current system, doesn’t sound affordable to me.

Now Rahm Emanuel is talking about his time working for Obama, he doesn’t read the teleprompter very well. Talks about how Obama reads 10 letters every night from citizens and says, “Rahm these are the people we are fighting for”. Only 10? Looks like he’s losing the fight. Pretty corny speech. Most people appear to be falling asleep. Rahm why don’t you go home and do something about the 20 murders that occur every weekend in South Chicago?

Now Deval Patrick, Governor of MA, is giving a rather rousing speech, criticizing the Republican governors who talked at the Republican Convention. I guess he’s jealous when you look at the financial condition of his state and other democratically led states like California, Illinois, Connecticut, and New York. Good talk for the base, “when we want the American dream alive we want Obama in charge”. Hard sell.

Listening now to Julian Castro, Mayor of San Antonio, and the keynote speaker. Democrats claim he is the next Obama. I was not impressed, not many applause lines, no comparison to Obama in his hey days. This guy is no Rubio; he has simple concepts and predictable rhetoric. Quote:” We are all connected by government and Barack Obama our connection.” Wow! Government is the central theme at this convention.

Here comes Michelle, first with a video talking about her rather humble start in South Chicago. Her Mom, brother, Valerie Jarret (her mentor), Biden’s wife. Not bad for someone who was never proud of her country until her husband was elected President. Shots from the Letterman and Ellen shows. The video runs a little too long.

Then she picks up on the class warfare bit trying to show the contrast between her and her husband’s humble start and Romney’s. Praises Barack’s values and his great upbringing, I guess she didn’t read his book. Mother dumped him with her parents for years, his smoking weed, snorting coke, and skipping classes. She also forgot when she threatened to divorce him in Chicago because he couldn’t earn a respectable living. Barack does all these great things for America, not because he is an ideologue, but because he is a saint. I was in tears; we’ve got so much left to do. What an actress! I was embarrassed for the first lady; she was actually begging us to bring him back. She used every platitude you can think of about his “greatness”. What a bunch of corn, I was calling for the hook.