Friday, September 7, 2012

Conventional Chaos

In the final night of this Democratic convention, I hope we can make some sense of the chaos in its rhetoric and its total disconnect with the American people. This is a scary bunch, not only most of the speakers, but also the attendees. If the Democrats pull off this election, which I doubt, it will be the biggest con ever pulled over the American public.

Many Democrats I have talked with don’t recognize this party. It has been virtually high-jacked by its far left wing. It is a party of lies, deceit, and personal destruction. It is the most anti-business party we have ever had in our history, promoting the government as the all knowing ruler of our destiny and taking us on a path towards a Socialist philosophy that has taken down most of Western Europe, and caused the economic stagnation of the USSR and most of Eastern Europe during the Cold War.

The patronizing and Alinsky-like rhetoric, and the lies and deception about the views of their opponents, is in sharp contrast with the convention in Tampa. The slobbering worship of a President, who has wasted four years extending our economic agony, was embarrassing.

If you heard the remarks of Sandra Fluke and Elizabeth Warren, you ask yourself what are they talking about? Women should be offended by what they said. Making it appear as if they were trapped and abused by a male-driven society that is in a war on women’s rights, during a decade that has seen the greatest rise in women’s opportunity in the workplace, corporate jobs, and income advancement; achieving a status never before seen on this planet. If anything, this party has a war on white males, because they can’t find a way to get their vote.

To make matters worse, they parade out a former President to make the nomination and he proceeds to smear his insatiable ego all over the TV screen with his folksy analysis of how things were so great during his administration, forgetting to tell you that the other party saved his ass, when the Republican landslide Congressional election forced him to govern to the center, something Barack Obama will never do. Give him more time; this job was harder than we thought, says Clinton. Clinton dislikes Obama so much and the purpose of his speech was only for holding open the Presidential option for his wife. This speaks volumes about his sincerity and integrity.

I’m listening now to Joe Biden, a guy who they wanted to throw off the ticket because of his misguided views of the world and embarrassing gaffes. Here he is praising this great President and rallying this collection of Kool-Aid drinkers, who seem to love the security of life on the government dole.

Obama is next, I can hardly wait. Listening to this parade of angry and yelling politicians at this convention is very scary. This crew is desperate to remain in power.


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