Sunday, September 23, 2012

A Pathetic President – Unbridled

I know that many of you who read these posts are Romney supporters and you are depressed about what you see in the main street media about their perception of the campaign thus far. The truth is that no matter how pathetic Obama is as a President and the errors of his campaign, you won’t hear about it. The only balanced source of the other side of the story is the Internet and Fox News.

I just finished reading several books related to this Presidency. One is still a NY Times best seller called, “The Amateur” by Ed Klein. From interviews with scores of people close to Obama and currently working at the White House, it is clear how shallow he is and his lack of leadership skills. He is an amateur, but the press will never let you know. A recent interview with the Mexican Network, Telemundo, where he got hard ball questions and buckled under this pressure and resorted to blatant lies to get through, was illustrative of his ineptness. The White House press corps has never hit him with questions like that in the last 4 years.

Wait until the debates in October and I’m sure we will get the same thing. The moderators are from NBC, CBS, PBS, and CNN; listen to the questions Obama gets relative to Romney. When a President lies to your face in a press conference or an interview, how many reporters have the guts to confront him? The problem is the uninformed voters (and there are many), actually believe him.

Another example of this irresponsible press coverage is the current Mid-East crisis, which is a total refute of the Administration’s failed foreign policy in this part of the world. A murdered Ambassador in Libya, flag burnings and violent anti-American demonstrations in 20 countries in Europe, Asia, and the mid-East, and all you hear about it in the press is Romney’s “ill advised” remarks about the Libyan situation and the 47% of Americans who pay no taxes. The crisis showed that this State Department and the Administration did not react to warnings from the Libyan government and failed to provide the necessary security during the 9/11 anniversary to protect 4 courageous American heroes and tried to cover it up. This is a President who is absent from security meetings and gets information from written reports slid under the door of his living quarters and no questions ever come back. If this doesn’t convince you how important it is to “get him out”, quoting Clint Eastwood, nothing will.

The two other books I recommend are, “The Communist” by Paul Kengor, which is the story of Frank Marshall Davis, who mentored a young Obama on Stalinism, Leninism, and the US Communist party principles, before he entered college. This was a grounding that Obama expanded via his associations with socialists, communists, progressives, and Islamic terrorists throughout his college career as he stated in his own autobiography. The other book, “Fool Me Twice” by Aaron Klein and Brenda Elliott, is a scenario of what to expect in the next four years if Obama is re-elected. This is based on programs already in progress that continue to expand government and threaten to change America to an entitlement state for decades to come. Heaven help us!

We must get Republicans out of the doldrums and into the voting booth in November.


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