Saturday, January 26, 2013

Teflon Hillary Uncovered

If you missed the Senate and House hearings of Hillary Clinton’s testimony on Benghazi and then read or heard about it thru main street media reports, you probably think this fiery, assertive woman, who is the champion of women all over the world, really told off those Republicans asking those mean questions about her role in this affair. Well, nothing could be further from the truth. No wonder the uniformed and disinterested constituency of this inept Administration thinks that Mrs. Clinton has done a great job as head of the State Department by 59% to 28%. Obviously, I’m part of the 28% and wrote about it in a previous post on August 13, 2012.

If this performance along with her poor judgment and incompetent administrative ability does not convince you that she would be a terrible President, then nothing will. Although she is ready to “take full responsibility” for the mishandling of this terrorist attack, apparently no one is “accountable” for the death of four Americans in this incident. Anyway, “what difference, at this point, does it make?” Sorry Hillary, it matters when Administrations mislead Americans for political gain. It matters, when pleas from our foreign service people in harm’s way go unanswered, it matters when our top officials make poor judgments about security, it matters when the terrorists responsible can sit in a cafĂ© in Benghazi talking to a NY Times reporter after the incident and is still on the loose in Algeria.

“Why did you let U.N. Ambassador Rice go on the Sunday talk shows with bogus talking points about a video?” Your answer, “I had nothing to do with the talking points and I was not consulted about Ms. Rice’s appearance”. Also, “I don’t do Sunday shows; I have better things to do on Sunday”. Wow! An Ambassador murdered and three others killed and you have something better to do than let us know what happened.

“I immediately called it a terrorist attack”. Well, I remember that all you talked about was a video, and you were still talking about it when the bodies came home, and the President was for 2 weeks after that.

Then she goes back on message, “We cannot afford to retreat now; when America is absent, especially from unstable environments, there are consequences. Extremism takes root; our interest suffers; our security at home is threatened”. Hillary, that’s the Republican message. This administration leads from behind, remember? Look at Syria, Libya, Mali, Algeria, Iran, Egypt, and now we’re scurrying to get out of Afghanistan.

Our foreign policy is an utter mess and all those Democratic Senators and Reps call her one of our greatest Secretaries of State, and how she elevated the reputation of the U.S. around the world, while our flag burns and our embassies are invaded. But I guess that’s George Bush’s fault.

It’s amazing the dangers you face when you are not aware of what’s going on around you. Remember, Nazi Germany and the Holocaust. Since we don’t have a media to give us the straight story, it’s up to you the readers of this narrative to get the word out.


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