Friday, January 18, 2013

Two-Bit Politician and Monarch

These are strange times in the U.S. We have a President who governs like a two-bit politician when he campaigns for election or deals with his adversaries, and then governs like King George III during our American Revolution. In addition, his negotiation tactics are predictable and since he is in charge and Harry Reid controls the Senate, the Republicans haven’t figured out how to get off defense. I look forward to Round 2 (the Debt Ceiling debate) because I believe the conservatives have more leverage then they did in Round 1(the Tax Debate).

After lying to the American public that the middle-class will see no tax increase in the fiscal cliff discussions, it’s clear that they will, if you see the list below:
                                                                                     2012-%             2013-%

 Top personal tax rate ($400k+)                                      35                     41

  Estate Tax                                                                     35                     40

 Capital Gains Tax                                                           15                     23.8

 Dividend Tax                                                                 15                     23.8

Medical device Tax                                                          0                       2.3

 Payroll Tax                                                                   10.4                  12.4

 Obamacare Surcharge ($200k+)                                    0                       0.9

It’s obvious that the middle class will be hit by much of this. The only good thing that came out of this is that the Bush Tax cuts after 12 years will finally become permanent for all incomes below $400k/yr. It’s about time! However, are you now happy that we have increased the tax rate on 1-2% of the population and have raised only $600B in revenue over the next ten years? This is a mere pittance, given our $16.5 trillion debt and $1.3 trillion annual deficit over the remaining years of Obama. This was done just to meet a campaign promise! Have no fear there is more to come.

The other President is King Barack, who dictates to the country and his opposition about what is right, what is fair, and what the conditions of any negotiations will be. It illustrates his total inexperience in business and his utter arrogance. For example, he demonizes those who disagree with him and at his orchestrated press conferences, it is now beginning to look like even the main street media is starting to challenge him because of his hypocrisy and his erroneous and contradictory economic comments. This is something he did not encounter in his first term.

His monarch mentality was illustrated when he recently gave the eulogy for Senator Inouye of Hawaii, and he used the “I” pronoun 30 times, “my” 21 times and “me” 12 times. Eulogies are generally more about the deceased than the eulogizer. Also, his use of children as props to issue his worthless executive orders related to the Newtown tragedy was rather creepy and reminiscent of tactics used by dictators to appeal to the emotions of the populace. Nothing from these laws for more gun control will do anything to stop a Newtown or Aurora from happening again, because nothing is done to address the root cause, such as child safety on school grounds and a definitive mental health system. This attempt to look like you’re doing something will cost us $4 Billion to implement. In the meantime, we disarm the good guys and the criminals and mentally disturbed ignore the new laws. The focus is on the gun, not the person holding it. This is the typical move you would expect from a two-bit politician and a king taking advantage of a traumatic event as an excuse to alter our constitution.


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